Congo is Bleeding

Join WDVUB at Kuumba for an urgent dialogue 


While the clock is tocking the heart of Congo still beat yet bleeds. Our goal in having this panel talk is to discuss and highlight the events the events that have occured in the heart of Africa during the past decades. Join us the 29th of February at the Flemish African House to show support and compassion for the people of Congo.

Join us on for a panel talk with guest speakers February 29th from 7-10PM at Kuumba to listen, learn, and love as we make space to discuss the wounds of Congo. The conversation will span the historical and political context of Congo, the current events and how the media portrays it as well as discussing the future impacts. Followed by a Q & A with the audience.

Don’t forget to register here for the event and we hope to see you there!

Kuumba, the Flemish African house is located at Passerstraat 5 (1070 Anderlecht). The center aims to host dialogues and cultural exchange between African and Flemish cultures.

Follow the center on instagram and facebook to keep up with and support their community driven efforts.

And don’t forget to keep up with WeDecolonizeVUB’s social media and the blog to stay updated on the panel talk andf other upcoming events and activities.